Semantic tags and CSS styling have a close relationship in web development. Semantic tags provide a meaningful structure and context […]
Semantic tags contribute to maintainability and code readability
Semantic tags contribute to maintainability and code readability in several ways: Example: Consider the following code snippet without semantic tags: […]
What is the role of semantic tags in responsive web design
Semantic tags play a crucial role in responsive web design by providing a structured and meaningful way to organize and […]
How do semantic tags impact website design and development
Semantic tags play a significant role in website design and development as they contribute to the overall structure, organization, and […]
All About HTML Semantic Tags
In several stages of my technical career, I had the opportunity to collaborate with numerous developers, each bringing their unique […]
Fix for Next.js ReferenceError window is not defined
The “window not defined” error in Next.js usually occurs when you try to access the window object on the server-side, […]
Improve NEXTjs performance best practices
Next.js is a framework built on top of React that provides additional features and capabilities to help you build high-performance […]
Create a Video player with react-player which supports mp4, Youtube and Vimeo videos with ReactJS
Here’s an example of a video player in React that supports MP4, YouTube, and Vimeo videos. We’ll be using the react-player library […]